To set the folder for temporary files, click on this button.\n\nPlease note that this does NOT affect files which are currently open.
When checked, "Hiding" a window using the "Show/Hide" checkbox in the project window just hides the window but leaves the file open. This is much faster when showing/hiding many files at one.
Use this item when you experience drop-outs or noise while using "Apply To File". This makes the processing significantly slower, but is more compatible with some plugins.
To always activate audio file windows when clicking into them (regardless of the "Lazy" setting), use this item.
To drag the whole window around (not just an outline of it) use this item.
To avoid activating a window when clicking into it, use this item. Windows can then only be activated by clicking once into their title or by clicking into them with the command key held down.
To automatically save documents, EXCEPT audio files, which were opened through the "Autoload" folder, use this item.
To avoid the "Save Window Settings" dialog when closing a window when only its window settings (like window size and position) have changed, use this item.
To set how many seconds of the end of the current audio selection are played back when using "Play End Of Selection", use this item.
To automatically save the audio file after offline processing has finished, use this item.
To let the computer alert you with a sound after offline processing has finished, use this item.
To close the window and discard made changes, click here.
To accept the current settings, click here
You cannot go on because the hard disk you selected has not enough free space.
Click here to generate the new file.
In this area you can see how much free space is left on the currently selected volume and how long you can record, depending on the recording parameters on the left.